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Guide to Input Files

Users can provide their own information for processing by GeoConvert in the form of input files. Input files must have certain characteristics, which are detailed below. An example of an input file is provided.

Input File Specification Checklist

In order to be processed correctly, input files:

  • Must be in a plain text format (i.e. .csv or .txt format)
  • Must only use comma or tab delimiters, if any are required.
  • Must only use double quote (") text qualifier characters, if any are required.
  • May contain a single header row describing column contents.
  • Must be less than 20 Mb in size.
  • May contain a maximum of 50 columns of information.
  • Must contain geography zone codes in their first column.
  • Must contain the same number of columns in every row.
  • Must only contain numeric values, apart from the geography zone codes, when using the conversion function.

Mac Users

If you are using Excel with a Mac, you will need to save your file as windows formatted csv/txt , from the "save as type" drop-down menu. Some people have reported that not doing so results in a blank output file.

Why does the columns of data that I supplied in addition to zone codes not appear in my outputs?

GeoConvert does not 'pass through' any additional data from your input files other than the original source code (i.e. output area, ward code etc), except in the 'Convert Data from One Geography to Another' function, where data you input is converted to reflect the new population base of the output geography.

Example Input File

An example of an input file containing information on age distributions within wards in Manchester from the 2001 Census Key Statistics is provided below. This file meets all of the criteria described above.

example input file


For support on any aspect of GeoConvert, please get in touch

GeoConvert is provided by UK Data Service